XXVIII International Christmas Educational Readings
Владимир Жириновский высоко оценил творчество живописцев Тихомировых
Телеканал Культура, Выставка «Леонид и Ольга Тихомировы. Единство – в непохожести»
The Moscow Times, 25.05.2018, A Visit to the Tikhomirov Family Studio
Portrait of Galina Ulanova — Exhibition of One Exhibit
Art Market. An Art Collector’s Path 06.12.2016
Man’s Job journal, №43, January-March 2013
Independent Newspaper, 23.04.2012
Journal of Memory of Victory, 2010
International Academy Of Creative Endeavors, 2007
Gallery of Fine Arts, №9, 09.2005
Miracles and Adventures journal, №9, 2003
Egoist journal, №10, october 2003
The Eurasian Bridge Newspaper, №1, 2002
Letter of Appreciation from the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, 31.12.1999
Space mail. Orbital spacecraft “Mir/Soyuz TM-21”. 06.06.1996
Arts Review, Christmas and New Year Exhibition Guide, 16.12.1988
Soviet Culture Newspaper, №20, 8.03.1978
Pravda Newspaper, № 101, 11.04.1971
The Land of the Golden Pomegranate. Turkmenia in Russian Poetry, Prose and Painting